Logary is awesome for analytics and logging.

Built with for developers and business analysts.

Professional logging, metrics and analytics for your apps

Would you like to proactively handle any negative experiences that your users' are having?
Maybe you're 🤒/😴 giving all your interaction data to large american corporations ®?
Or do you just want to measure app latency and track revenue?

Then you've come to the right place, because Logary solves that for you.

Logary is a logging, tracing and metric library for .Net and JS as well as a stand-alone, ☁-native log router/ingress called Rutta.

How does it work?

JS Quickstart

Learn how to add analytics to your web/react-native apps.

.Net Core Quickstart

Instrument your backend services for a cloud native architecture.

Targets / Sinks

Logary can send logs, metrics and spans to a wide range of targets. Have a look here to see what's available!

How does it work?

Let's have a look at this site and how we do analytics here...

JS Documentation

Read up on how to use the JavaScript library

.Net Core Documentation

Read up on how to use the library


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Learn how to use Logary to visualise the state and interactions with your apps.

License & Credits

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Logary Prometheus for .Net Core

With Logary.Prometheus you can expose you app metrics for Prometheus and Grafana.

Logary Rutta

A stand-alone, cloud-native log router and ingestion point for HTTP, UDP, ZeroMQ, TCP, and more.


Purchase a commercial license to super-charge your company's logging, metrics and analytics, and improve Logary!